Unmaintained Free Software

--- [ Adopt an orphaned Free Software project ] ---

Fri Aug 6 23:52:51 CEST 2004

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How to contribute

There are several possibilities how you can contribute to Unmaintained Free Software:

Adopt an unmaintained project

The most important thing you can do is to adopt an unmaintained project. If you are interested in any project listed on this site, go ahead, adopt it!

Add a project

You can add a new project to the Index.

Especially authors of projects who cannot maintain their project anymore are encouraged to submit an entry, so that potential new maintainers know that you seek a new maintainer for the project.

And please don't forget to send an announce, if you found a new maintainer. This will allow people who are interested in contributing to the respective project to contact the new maintainer.

Update a project

You can update the information about a project by selecting the Update-link in the upper-right corner of the project's box.

You are encouraged to update projects which have a new maintainer, or have become unmaintained recently, as well as projects where you find wrong or outdated information, e.g. homepage, email contact, license etc...

Suggest new categories

You can suggest new categories which you think should be added to Unmaintained Free Software.

Help writing the software behind this site

You can have a look at the software behind this site and send patches with improvements of the code.
You can checkout the latest code from CVS.

If you find any bugs you can report them through the Unmaintained Free Software bugtracker.

Please also checkout the Unmaintained Free Software project page at SourceForge.


You can join the discussions on the mailinglists.

There's also the possibility to post on the Unmaintained Free Software discussion forums.

Send feedback

You can , comments or other feedback.
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last modified: May 24, 2004

--- [ adopt an orphaned Free Software project ] ---

Unmaintained Free Software

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