Unmaintained Free Software

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Fri Aug 6 21:03:28 CEST 2004

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Criteria a project must meet to be added to the Index:
  • The project should not already be in the Index. Please check this.
  • There must be a note on the project's homepage (or in a README etc.) which says that the project is unmaintained. This will help not to include projects to the Index which aren't really unmaintained. Exception: This is not needed if you are the author of the project.
  • If the project was not updated in over 12 month (neither homepage, nor a new release nor CVS activity etc...) then you can email the author and ask if he still maintains the project. If he doesn't, or you don't hear from him within 2 weeks, you can add that project to Unmaintained Free Software.

Please note that I might slightly edit your submission if necessary.

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last modified: May 24, 2004

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Unmaintained Free Software

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