Unmaintained Free Software

--- [ Adopt an orphaned Free Software project ] ---

Mon Aug 16 4:19:46 CEST 2004

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What is Unmaintained Free Software?

Unmaintained Free Software is an Index of orphaned or unmaintained Free Software related projects, i.e. projects that aren't developed any longer and have no maintainer.

The projects listed here should be under a Free Software license (e.g. GPL, LGPL, BSD, Artistic-License), but other "free-ish" licenses are allowed, too.


Some goals of this site are:

What will be indexed

Generally speaking: All unmaintained or orphaned Free Software related content of any type.


About this site

I wrote the first version of the Unmaintained Free Software site in 1999 in pure HTML with vim. The site was called Unmaintained Linux back then.

As of April 2000 the site uses PHP for the Web presentation and MySQL as the database backend.

As of January 2001 the site is also available from unmaintained-free-software.org . I tried to write a clear, structured and standards-conforming HTML 4.01. There are very few graphics, no javascript, no java, no frames and no GIFs on this site. This site can be viewed with any browser, be it a graphical browser or a text-based browser.

This site is driven by unmaintained 0.6.7.

Unmaintained Free Software is hosted on SourceForge.


The directory unmaintained-free-software.org/backend/ contains some files which can be used for syndication with other sites:

If you want to link to Unmaintained Free Software, you can use this small image: [Unmaintained Free Software logo] .

Legal Stuff

Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds.
All other trademarks and copyrights belong to their respective owners.

This site is (C) Copyright 1999-2002 Uwe Hermann.
Announces and comments are owned by the poster.

The software behind this site is freely available under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) .


If you want to contact the maintainer of Unmaintained Free Software please write to .
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[Valid HTML 4.01!]
last modified: May 24, 2004

--- [ adopt an orphaned Free Software project ] ---

Unmaintained Free Software

Copyright (C) 1999-2002 .
Verbatim copying, distribution and display of this entire article in any medium is permitted, provided this notice is preserved.