perl-cfd is a very stable high performance cfengine server daemon written in Perl. It was written because the daemon included with cfengine was not; it was also useful for upgrading from cfengine 1.4 to later versions when the network protocol changed.
Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Operating System :: POSIX
Programming Language :: Perl
Reason :: Lack of time :: Job
Status :: Unmaintained
Topic :: Internet/Communications :: Other
Topic :: System
Depends on: Perl
Comments: Perl-cfd is being used in production at several large installations that I know of directly. I'm certain there are more who haven't spoken up! -- .
Source of Info: Submitter.
Announces: <October 4, 2001>
Record Hits: 68
Homepage Hits: 117
Download Hits: 100