A robots game implemented in Ada95.
Homepage: http://www.stud.ifi.uio.no/~jankr/xrobots/
Download: http://www.stud.ifi.uio.no/~jankr/xrobots/xrobots-0.9.2.tar.gz
Development Status :: 3 - Alpha
License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Operating System :: POSIX
Operating System :: POSIX :: GNU/Linux
Operating System :: POSIX :: SunOS/Solaris
Programming Language :: ADA
Programming Language :: C
Reason :: Author moved on to other projects
Reason :: Author no longer has access to special hardware/software
Reason :: Author or developers lost interest
Reason :: Lack of time :: Job
Status :: Unmaintained
Topic :: Games :: Puzzles
Depends on: gnat, X11Ada
Comments: I started this project to learn Ada 95 and X11 programming. I've discontinued all my Ada 95 development until the new gnat based on gcc-3 is available and fully functional. What it needs is: A configure; make; make install system. The current one is broken and would suck if it wasn't. It should probably be moved to GTKAda or AdaSDL. The highscore file handling should be reimplemented. It works, but as far as I remember, it sucks. -- .
Source of Info: Submitter.
Announces: <April 15, 2003>
Record Hits: 92
Homepage Hits: 76
Download Hits: 53