Harmony is a free replacement of the GUI library Qt by Troll Tech AS. But Harmony is more than just a clone. It will provide additional features such as multithreading and themeing.
Homepage: http://freya.yggdrasil.com/~harmony/source.html
Download: ftp://ftp.yggdrasil.com/pub/dist/GUI/harmony/devel/snapshots/harmony-2000.08.15.tar.gz
Author: Several people.
Development Status :: 1 - Planning
License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
Operating System :: POSIX
Programming Language :: Unknown
Reason :: Author or developers lost interest
Reason :: Project is obsolete :: There are better alternatives
Status :: Unmaintained
Topic :: Desktop :: X-Window
Topic :: Development :: Library
Comments: According to one of the authors of Harmony, it might still be useful to continue work on Harmony (even though Qt is free now): It could be useful to have an LGPL'ed clone of Qt (instead of the GPL'ed version), or to have ports to libre Windows or MacOS... -- .
Source of Info: Submitter.
Announces: <December 4, 2001> <February 24, 2002>
Record Hits: 77
Homepage Hits: 193
Download Hits: 110